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Reviews have the power to grow your business. 87% of people who find your business online will read your reviews first. By encouraging customers to leave positive testimonials, you make it more likely that a prospect will give your business a chance. But getting reviews can be time consuming and frustrating for your team.
In this article, we’ll cover:
Many businesses don’t have a review strategy at all. Their most loyal (or most hateful) customers might decide to leave an occasional review; but they don’t put any effort into sourcing more frequent reviews.
Then come the businesses who know reviews are important and have a basic review strategy. For most, that means simply asking customers to leave a review while they are making a visit or purchase.
They might offer incentives like an entry into a raffle or a discount code to be used on a return visit. Some make it easier for their customers by providing a QR code that links right to the review submission page.
In order to motivate their staff to stay consistent in asking for reviews, they may provide a motivation or a goal for how many reviews each team member will source in a given time period.
Asking in person is a common review strategy, but it’s not the easiest or the best. Here are the drawbacks.
Automatic review requests are the easy way to earn reviews. Here’s how they work. You set up a tool, like Swell, that integrates with your customer database. You customize a review request text message, like this example below, with a link that goes right to your review submission page for Google, Facebook, or another selected platform.
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